I am starting this blog about Kayaks and Boats because I would like to buy a Kayak and/or Boat. I am going to do some research find out what I want in a boat, what is useful, what are the rules, and what information I need to know.
I plan to do some traveling up the east coast and find out how I could travel the coast line to visit friends.
I plan to take trip to visit my friends in the bahamas, we will be boating their and share our stories when we get back. I plan to travel with friends or make new friends to grow my network of boating experts. I would encourage people who follow me online to grow their own network of people they do business in their lives.
What kind of boats can travel to the Bahamas with no problem from the bad weather?
For more information on marinas, boating facilities, and areas potentially affected by Hurricane Irene, contact the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism below. For information on marinas visit their website.
The Bahamas
Ministry of Tourism
P.O. Box N-3701
Nassau, Bahamas
Tel: 242-302-2000
Fax: 242-302-2098
E-mail: tourism@bahamas.com
Toll Free: 1-800-Bahamas
The Ideal boat for my travel to the Bahamas from the eastern coast of Florida is a 25 to 30 foot boat with a small cabin for resting. You can join a boat club in your area for more information on this I will write another blog on the topic.
You can charter a boat through boat clubs, travel agencies, travel websites, or local boat chartering companies.
Hope this post was helpful to you and that you have a very successful trip fishing with your friends and family! Check out the other sections of my blog for more tips on KayaksBoats.
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