I enjoy Saturday morning when I get to wake up early and start my good morning out with a cup o joe, from a local gas station near me and a light breakfast or none at all. I am the kind of person who just wants to get my morning going by getting out the door, then I know my door has begin.
I have been doing some research on buying a kayak and how I might want to install or fit a engine on my kayak. So I started asking myself more questions about what I should be thinking about when looking into this topic. So yes you can, but you have to be careful how your install the engine to the kayak and how you counter balance the kayak. Here are some of my questioned I asked and I help they are useful for you.
- How big of an engine can you put on a kayak?
- What brands of engines are there for kayaks?
- What are the top brands of engines are there for kayaks?
- Do engines for kayaks meet Califorina standards of air quality?
How big of an engine can you put on a kayak?
If you decide to use a engine on your kayak it will be a small engine unless the kayak you own is a double wide kayak. I have seen many home crafted well as name brand small engines attached to the kayak to give you a good thrust forward and keep you moving with out flipping over. A 2.5 hp engine would be a good size engine to add to any kayak or canoe, but a word to the wise and be careful because once you add a engine to your boat that does not come with one you must register it with the state you live or where you storage it. For example if you main residence is Indiana and you have a condo or a place you rent for a summer vacation and you storage your boat at the “local marina near me.” You should always ask a friendly lawyer for is in your state.
What brands of engines are there for kayaks?
There are different kinds, style, and brands of engines for your kayak or canoe. Best of all, just about every type of engine – gas outboards, propane outboards, hands-free kayak engines, trolling engines, etc. – can be used. Here is a small list of brands of engines you can find to add to any kayak or canoe:
“Popular Motors:
LEHR 2.5 HP Propane Outboard
MinnKota PowerDrive V2 with the Co-Pilot remote,
MinnKota RipTide ST with iPilot, and
MotorGuide Xi5 Wireless Trolling Motor
Pros: Easiest to control, sitting or standing; weight is in bow to allow optimal seat position, simple to take on and off
Cons: Requires drilling holes in hull for installation; overall weight of motor and battery. Requires cutting down shaft for optimal use.
Tips: Cut shaft length to around 24″. For the PowerDrive V2, use the MKA-21 Bracket. For the RipTide SP, use the RTA-17 Bracket.” https://www.nucanoe.com/motorized-fishing-kayaks/
“The LEHR 2.5 HP Propane Outboard is an awesome outboard for the Frontier. It is lightweight (37lbs), quiet, and clean (98% less emissions). Plus, it runs on standard propane canisters so fuel is cheap and easy to pack. The LEHR gets about 2.5hrs usage at 2/3 power per canister.
To make the LEHR outboard easy to use on the Frontier, we rigged up a couple additions to the motor to allow full control from the center seat position. Learn all about these modifications in the video below.
Pros: Perfect when you have a long distance from launch to destination. Lightweight, clean power, easy to bring extra fuel, minimal maintenance.
Cons: Not ideal for maneuvering around while fishing. More expensive, requires a bit of customization.
Tips: The 15″ Shaft version works great. Use the Tiller Extension to enable center seating position. Use the Transom Motor Plate to protect your NuCanoe.
Learn more about the LEHR outboard at http://golehr.com/.”
There are many small engines that traditional thought of being used on a bass boat, but some people don’t always think out side the box so we hope that helps you in finding the right engine for your kayak or canoe.
What are the top brands of engines are there for kayaks?
I would say the top brand of engine for a kayak and a canoe would be a MinnKota but it all come down to use. Do you need a big engine to go faster or go slow? Do you need to move slowing to fish in that matter instead of going to a fishing spot and staying there for sometime? Minnkota has a engine for most style of fishing.
Do engines for kayaks meet Califorina standards of air quality?
When kayaking and canoeing with a engine attached its good to know that the fine people in California have thought of everything from emission standards from car, trucks, and small engines in outdoor equipment.
“The California Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted emissions standards for small engines in 1990 and was the first agency in the world to control emissions from these engines.
Small off-road engines (SORE) are spark-ignition engines rated at or below 19 kilowatts. Engines in this category are primarily used for lawn, garden, and other outdoor power equipment. The population of small engines in California (16.5 million) is greater than that of light-duty passenger cars (13.7 million) and is comprised of 76% residential lawn and garden equipment, 9% commercial lawn and garden equipment, 11% federally regulated construction/farming equipment, and 4% other equipment types (e.g. generators utility carts).” https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/resources/fact-sheets/small-engines-california
SORE Population in California (millions)

How much does a kayak engine cost?
Here is a list of kayaks engines by Torqeedo”
- Ultralight 403 C≡ 1 HP$ 2,299.00
- Ultralight 403≡ 1 HP$ 1,799.00
- Ultralight 403 A≡ 1 HP$ 1,799.00
- Ultralight 403 AC≡ 1 HP$ 2,299.00
Kayak engine will differ in price based on what you are using it for like cruising, fishing, trying to stay in one spot in a stream. Some engines may work with a gps to keep you in one spot while fishing.
How long does it take to install a kayak engine to my kayak?
I have not find and answer to this question yet but when I do I will post it.
Additional Information: Fishing Maps that might be helpful for your next fishing trip.

Hope this post was helpful to you and that you have a very successful trip fishing with your friends and family! Check out the other sections of my blog for more tips on KayaksBoats.
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