Companies like Cabela’s has been known for supplying equipment for outdoor adventures since 1961 and has become the World’s Foremost Outfitter of outdoor gear. They have a great reputation for their wide selection of high-quality outdoor apparel and supplies, helpful buying guides, and exceptional customer service. However, while quick to think of Cabela’s for everything outdoors-y, some are quick to forget that their unrivaled products go beyond hunting and camping.
While Cabela’s footwear collection does offer superior options for hiking, hunting and boating, it also offers casual options, work boots, and more for the whole family. If this company can provide the utmost comfort during intense activity, imagine what they can offer for a low-key day?
For casual days, customers are loving the Crocs™ Men’s Swiftwater Casual Slip-Ons. Still pretty new, this pair of shoes already have a 4.6 out of 5 rating with 124 reviews. It’s an obvious choice with leather and fabric uppers that have gore stretch panels for simple, fast on and off; plus, Dual Crocs Comfort™ provides exceptional cushioning to keep your feet feeling fresh all day long. Women can experience an easy and comfortable experience too with the Natural Reflections®’ Women’s Lindsey Canvas Shoes. Cute and stylish, these shoes feature soft fabric linings for barefoot comfort and memory-foam footbeds for added cushioning.
As for the kids, let them play in the Crocs® Toddlers’/Kids’ Swiftwater Play Shoes; a favorite among parents. Lightweight, waterproof, and easy to wear, these soft and durable shoes are for fun and adventure.

Now, for a category Cabela’s is more well-known for – hiking. Get the whole family involved with the Salomon Men’s Speedcross 4 Athletic Shoes, Columbia® Women’s Newton Ridge® Plus Hikers, and Outdoor Kid® Youth Big Bear WP Hikers. Each option offers their own unique features, but all boast the necessary features for an enjoyable and safe hike – water-resistant, rubber soles for traction, and optimal support.

Cabela’s also knows life isn’t all about play and supplies an assortment of work boots and shoes for men and women. Versatile work boots for the sloppiest conditions, the Muck® Chore Mid Boots for men can handle just about anything. Another must-have is the Carhartt® Women’s Bison Brown Waterproof Wellington Work Boots; designed to keep a woman’s feet dry and comfortable at the jobsite.

There’s so many more possibilities and options available, so try on Cabela’s and take a look at their entire collection. Your feet will thank you!
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