I was writing about the kayaker who made it in to the international hall of frame. I come across severly well known people who might be the best kayaker or wild crazy nut in the world taking the big dive off a water fall in washington, congo, or other parts of the world. I do like to watch their videos on youtube from time to time.
Here is a list of 5 people who might fit the bill I got from abenakiextreme.
Evan Garcia

OK, so ‘best’ is subjective. But I ask because we’re seeing a lot of interest in the kayaking community of late. You might chalk some of that off to Point Break and The Ozaki 8, of which the first ordeal was to navigate the most dangerous rapids on the planet (Inga Rapids on the Congo River), although purists may balk at that, and point to the growing kayak community over the past 20 years.
Tyler Bradt
The current waterfall drop record holder. Like Garcia and Rush Sturges, Tyler Bradt is an American kayaker who cut his teeth on the west coast. He’s got some very nice notches on his kayaking bedpost too. In fact, if you twisted my arm, at present I’d probably say he’s the best kayaker on the planet – that’s no small feat when you consider who’s on this list.
Rush Sturges
Rush Sturges is an elite kayaker and film maker. He’s responsible for some of the most impressive documentaries on the subject, including The Grand Inga Project and the current ‘Little White From the Sky’ that’s making rounds in the extreme sports community. He’s one serious kayaker too – and hot dang, he really knows how to handle a drainage ditch…
Ben Marr
Canadian Ben Marr is never far behind Rush Sturges. He’s the other half of that awesome drainage ditch video you just watched (and if you haven’t, scroll up and watch it now), and a pretty darn good kayaker in his own right.
Rafael Ortiz
Mexican Rafael Ortiz thinks big. He’s best known for his kayak drops – he actually dropped Palouse Falls after Bradt, but was ejected on impact as he landed, and therefore is not known for tying the record.
Little White
Additional Information: Fishing Maps that might be helpful for your next fishing trip.

Hope this post was helpful to you and that you have a very successful trip fishing with your friends and family! Check out the other sections of my blog for more tips on KayaksBoats.
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