Kayak fishing is one of many ways to go fishing, relaxing on the boat is great and fun to go fishing. I can load my kayak on most lakes, rivers, and in the ocean. I also have my fishing license for the states I fish. I want to share with my readers about great spots to go fishing in my boat or give you boat reviews near me/Jacksonville, Florida.
Kayaking Essentials
- Kayak
- Kayak paddle
- Personal flotation device (PFD)
- Appropriate clothing and shoes
How to Get into the Kayak
This is the first thing you need to learn. You don’t just hop on your kayak and set off.
a. From the Dock
While seated on the dock, place the paddle across the kayak—such that it will be in front of you when you sit. Lower your legs into the kayak. With your hands on the dock for support, turn your hips and sit in the kayak. Do this quickly but carefully. Let go of the dock and pick up your paddle. If the dock is very high, this process will be more difficult. It helps to have someone else hold the craft for you as you get in.
b. From the Shore
Slide the kayak into the water—the stern should still be out on the sand. Stand on the side of the craft facing the bow. Hold the kayak down with one hand while holding your paddle with the other. Put one foot in and sit down. Put the other foot in. Place the paddle in front of you, across the kayak. Put your hands on the ground (either side) and propel yourself forward.
If you have a composite kayak, dragging it across the sand may damage it. So, slide it into the water completely— about three inches depth is okay. Place your legs on either side of the kayak. Sit down first then put in your feet
The Right Posture
Knowing how to sit well will position you to paddle correctly.
Try to relax. Place your feet on the foot pedals. Your knees should be slightly bent. Adjust the pedals if they are not well placed. Keep your legs together and your knees spread. This way, you can easily twist your torso. Additionally, you will be able to have your knees against the kayak if need arises—for balance.
No matter how tempting it is, don’t lean back on the seat. Keep your back straight. Avoid slouching too. You should be able to breathe freely and not strain.
Holding the Paddle
How you hold your paddle depends on its design because kayak paddles are different. But there is a simple way to learn if you have a normal paddle.
Place your paddle in front of you across the kayak. Hold it with both hands. Lift it up so its midpoint is directly above the top of your head and the edges are aligned with your knuckles. Point your knuckles upwards. Adjust your hands to make sure that the distance from the blades is the same on the two sides. The recommended distance between your two hands is roughly 16 inches. Bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle. This allows you to use energy efficiently while maintaining control.
In some cases, the paddle is feathered. The blades on a feathered paddle are on different planes or at an angle. The paddle can be feathered for either left- or right-handed people. The left-handed one is difficult to get and you may have to adapt to a right-handed one.
In a feathered paddle situation, the right hand should have a fixed grip on the shaft. When making a stroke, the wrist should move with the paddle. Be careful not to hold on too tight. The left hand should have a lose grip on the shaft. Because the right hand is in control, it should be able to twist the shaft when paddling.
Note: For asymmetrical blades, the shorter side should be facing down when you hold the paddle over your head. For concave blades, the smooth/concave side should be facing you.
Making a Paddle Stroke
Without changing the 90-degree angle of your elbows, bring the paddle in front of you. The shaft, your arms and chest will form a box—known as the “paddler’s box”. Throughout your paddling, try to maintain this box. Another thing, use your thumb and index finger to grip the shaft. Place the other fingers loosely.
Take a look at the different kayak paddling strokes. It is important to understand that most of the power should come from your legs and torso; not arms.
a. The Forward Stroke
This is the simplest and most basic stroke. Immerse the blade into the water near your foot. Pull the shaft back with your lower hand and twist your torso to follow. Press your foot against the foot pedal. At the same time, push the shaft forward with the upper hand. When the blade is at your hips, slice it out of the water and get started on the other side.
If you want your kayak to follow a straighter line, paddle close to the kayak. This may not be easy for a beginner but you will learn. Focus on your destination if you are having a hard time staying upright. As you paddle, don’t forget the paddler’s box.
b. The Reverse/Backward Stroke
Kayaks can travel backwards too. You may get stuck somewhere with no way to turn around. Sometimes it is also good to try a different stroke and work the less used muscles.
The secret here is doing the opposite of what you do with the forward stroke. Rotate your torso and immerse the blade in water, near your hip. Push the blade towards your foot and slice it out of the water. Do the same on the other side. All this while, ensure that the torso is moving respectively to avoid fatigue in your arms and shoulders.
If you cannot seem to be paddling straight, try shorter strokes as you learn. Also, be sure not to lean on the seat because you will hurt your back.
c. The Sweep Stroke
Some people prefer to do the forward stroke on one side repeatedly for the kayak to turn. However, there is a specific stroke for that and it is more efficient.
To turn to the right, immerse the blade into the water near your feet on the left side. From there, sweep to form a wide arc or draw a big “C” moving the blade to the stern of your kayak. Lift the blade from the water as with the other strokes.
The lower arm (in this case the left), should be as straight as possible. For a sharp turn, make a bigger arc.
To perform a sweep stroke while going on reverse, do the complete opposite. Start from the back and sweep towards the front. Sweep on the side you want to go to.
To read: How to Paddle a Kayak?
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Helpful Links To Kayaks And More
1.Buyer Guide for Kayaks Paddles
I went shopping online at 4 different online stores to find the right paddle for my kayak.
The first store I went to was REI to get more infomation about buying the right paddle for my new kayak. There are a few thing to think about shift, blade, material and price, and last length. By choosing the right paddle you can save yourself a lot energy. Here is some information from REI:
Figuring out the right size (length) of paddle is surprisingly straightforward. The wider your boat is, the longer your paddle needs to be. Your height is also a factor, especially for a narrower boat: Taller paddlers need longer paddles.
To read the rest of the article: Buyer Guide for Kayaks Paddles
2.How to find a good kayak rental company?
I like traveling and trying new things. I have been to 20 different city this past month. I have enjoy good food, good weather, roof top bars, and the beach. I also have enjoy learning and listening to interesting people. There are different rental programs across the country at universities and colleges. I came a cross a program about the local University of North Florida (UNF), they offer “Gear Check-out & Adventure Trips.” The students can use the gear for free, for example, kayaks, canoing, and rock climbing.

The programs offered University of North Florida (UNF) allow students, staff and visitors to learn about team work in different environment. I like to see programs like that be very success like it is at our local university.
To read the rest of the article: How to find a good kayak rental company?
3.Kayak Buyers Guide
How to buy a kayak?
As I been writing this blog the past two weeks I have been shopping for a kayak. I went online to Dick’s sporting goods. I went to Walmart, Black Creek sporting goods store, and REI co-op.

Here is some information from each store, first Black Creek is more that you have to go into the store the online store does not have enough information to share online.
They do offer classes, rentals, certifications, and more….
To read the rest of the article Kayak Buyers Guide
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Best Fishing Practices
Many anglers plan ahead and incorporate best fishing practices using tips to ensure safe and responsible angling. Thank you to www.fishsmart.org or providing the following tips:.
Plan Ahead
Know your fishing regulations and have the necessary equipment ready to release fish that you do not plan to keep.
Develop fishing skills to target the size and species you desire. Change location, depth, or bait to avoid catching fish you do not intend to keep.

Appropriate Gear
Use appropriately sized gear that is targeted to the species you desire to catch. Use circle hooks when planning to release fish and where they are required.
Landing Fish
Do not play the fish to exhaustion. Use line strong enough to minimize playing time. Land the fish quickly and if possible, release them while still in the water.
Handling Fish
Use knotless, rubberized landing nets and rubberized gloves to avoid removing the slime layer from the fish’s body. Keep the fish horizontal and support the body. Avoid dropping the fish, especially onto hard surfaces. Use release tools, such as dehookers and recompression tools, to minimize handling. Release fish as soon as practical and do not keep them out of the water longer than necessary.
Additional Information: Fishing Maps that might be helpful for your next fishing trip.

Hope this post was helpful to you and that you have a very successful trip fishing with your friends and family! Check out the other sections of my blog for more tips on KayaksBoats.
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