There are many reasons why people want to haul kayaks with pickup trucks. The most common reason is because they don’t have a way of transporting the kayak to where they want it to go. This can happen for a few different reasons, such as not wanting to spend money on a trailer or just not being able to find one that will fit their vehicle. Another reason would be because they don’t have a truck or vehicle that is large enough for them to transport the kayak on their own.
Pickup trucks are great for hauling kayaks because of their size and weight capacity, which makes them perfect for transporting anything from small items like furniture and appliances all the way up to large items like boats and other watercrafts. They also have plenty of room in the truck bed so you can fit as many kayaks as you need without having any problems getting it
The video shows how to safely and easily haul kayaks with a pickup truck. This is a cheap and easy way to move kayaks from one place to another, or even from one vehicle to another.
This video also provides information on how to load the kayaks onto the truck and how to secure them for safety.
The process of transporting kayaks with pickup trucks is not as hard as you think. It all starts by finding the right vehicle. This can be a pickup truck or a van. Once you have found the right vehicle, you will need to attach a tow hitch to it. Once you have done this, place the kayak on top of the truck bed and make sure that it is secure with ropes and straps.
The process of transporting kayaks with pickup trucks is not as hard as people think. It all starts by finding the right vehicle: either a pickup truck or a van. Once they have found the right one, they will need to attach a tow hitch to it then place the kayak on top of its bed and make sure that it is secure with ropes and straps.
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Paddling Books/Magazine Links:
- Paddling Magazine – Rapid Media Magazines
- Paddling Magazine – Kayak, Canoe, SUP | Gear, Trips …
- Kayaking, Kayak Fishing, SUP, Canoeing |
- 2021 Paddling Buyer’s Guide – Paddling Magazine
- Paddling’s Trusted News Source – Paddling Life
- Paddle World Magazine | The international all paddlesports …

Helpful Links To Kayaks And More

1.Buyer Guide for Kayaks Paddles
I went shopping online at 4 different online stores to find the right paddle for my kayak.
The first store I went to was REI to get more infomation about buying the right paddle for my new kayak. There are a few thing to think about shift, blade, material and price, and last length. By choosing the right paddle you can save yourself a lot energy. Here is some information from REI:
Figuring out the right size (length) of paddle is surprisingly straightforward. The wider your boat is, the longer your paddle needs to be. Your height is also a factor, especially for a narrower boat: Taller paddlers need longer paddles.
To read the rest of the article: Buyer Guide for Kayaks Paddles
2.How to find a good kayak rental company?
I like traveling and trying new things. I have been to 20 different city this past month. I have enjoy good food, good weather, roof top bars, and the beach. I also have enjoy learning and listening to interesting people. There are different rental programs across the country at universities and colleges. I came a cross a program about the local University of North Florida (UNF), they offer “Gear Check-out & Adventure Trips.” The students can use the gear for free, for example, kayaks, canoing, and rock climbing.

The programs offered University of North Florida (UNF) allow students, staff and visitors to learn about team work in different environment. I like to see programs like that be very success like it is at our local university.
To read the rest of the article: How to find a good kayak rental company?
3.Kayak Buyers Guide
How to buy a kayak?
As I been writing this blog the past two weeks I have been shopping for a kayak. I went online to Dick’s sporting goods. I went to Walmart, Black Creek sporting goods store, and REI co-op.

Here is some information from each store, first Black Creek is more that you have to go into the store the online store does not have enough information to share online.
They do offer classes, rentals, certifications, and more….
To read the rest of the article Kayak Buyers Guide
About is a company that sells kayaks and boats online. They have been in business for over 2 years and are seller of kayaks and boats online only.
They have a wide selection of kayaks, boats, and accessories to choose from with many different styles, colors, and sizes to fit any need.
— is a company that specializes in kayak and paddleboard sales and rentals. They have been operating for over 2 years and are one of the most trusted names in the industry. offers advice to finding rental services for all types of water sports equipment, from kayaks to paddleboards, surfboards to canoes. They also offer group activities like stand up paddleboard yoga classes or guided tours to nearby beaches and islands. has been featured on various media outlets, including the,, and more.
Outdoor News
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Best Fishing Practices
Many anglers plan ahead and incorporate best fishing practices using tips to ensure safe and responsible angling. Thank you to for providing the following tips:.
Plan Ahead
Know your fishing regulations and have the necessary equipment ready to release fish that you do not plan to keep.
Develop fishing skills to target the size and species you desire. Change location, depth, or bait to avoid catching fish you do not intend to keep.

Appropriate Gear
Use appropriately sized gear that is targeted to the species you desire to catch. Use circle hooks when planning to release fish and where they are required.
Landing Fish
Do not play the fish to exhaustion. Use line strong enough to minimize playing time. Land the fish quickly and if possible, release them while still in the water.
Handling Fish
Use knotless, rubberized landing nets and rubberized gloves to avoid removing the slime layer from the fish’s body. Keep the fish horizontal and support the body. Avoid dropping the fish, especially onto hard surfaces. Use release tools, such as dehookers and recompression tools, to minimize handling. Release fish as soon as practical and do not keep them out of the water longer than necessary.

BKC PK14 14′ Tandem Sit On Top Pedal Drive Kayak W/ Rudder System, 2 Paddles, 2 Upright Back Support Aluminum Frame Seats 2 Person Foot Operated Kayak

Average rating: 3 out of 5 stars, based on 2 reviews
$2,097.00 Buy now price check at Walmart
Additional Information: Fishing Maps that might be helpful for your next fishing trip.

Hope this post was helpful to you and that you have a very successful trip fishing with your friends and family! Check out the other sections of my blog for more tips on KayaksBoats.
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